Thursday, 14 January 2010

How Long To Go?

We landed back in the UK on Christmas eve. I was due a weekly check-up and so gave Granger a ring like he told me to. This was the strangest check-up in the history of check-ups...

Picutre the scene...

It was freezing, snow everywhere. On my way back from the airport... pulled over in a busy layby off the moterway... there was a red mazda...out stepped my consultant...I aproached him...greeted him...and he tighened my screws there and then - much to the confusion of the fellow layby-ers.
Check-up ended. Continued on my journey home.


But although this check-up was fairly strange, it brougt with it good news. Granger has told me that I should make an appointment for the first week in January, where he would take an X-ray and if everything was going well - take the damned thing offfff!!!!!

Its amazing how the prescribed time in tho halo whittled itself down, from 3 months, to 2 months, to only a month and a half! I felt so lucky when I thought about how much worse it could have been.

A-level exams were looming in my direction. Biology, Chemistry and Geography. The teachers sort of assumed that I wouldn't be doing them due to my predicament but since I was on a roll and doing pretty much anything else, I thought that I might as well give them a shot. Besides, there was every possibility that I would be out of the halo by then!

Anyway... neadless to say, i was very excited (about the halo removel - not the exams, obviously!) and was actually counting down the days. At the same time, I tried not to get my hopes up incase the X-rays were no good and Granger turned around and said to me "Sorry Mils, its gonna be another 3 months in the halo mate!" ... that would suck.

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