Friday 1 January 2010

No Rest For The Crippled

Walking out out the hospital doors to the car was so lovely. The cool, fresh air of the outside world was amazing to breath in.
When we got home, I gave my two cats a big cuddle and sat down on the sofa. The next thing I thought was: 'I'm hungry, I'm REALLY hungry. Mmmm, Indian food would be golden right now' I hadnt eaten for 4 days and food is like the love of my life.
It just so happened that before the acciedent happened, I was supposed to be waitressing that night at a fund raising event "Indian Auction of Promises" for the trip to the Himalayers which Im going on this summer. There was Indian food I decided to go.

I had been in hospital a couple of hours earlier and already I was out and about. Brilliant.
My attire for the night consisted of my baggy kick-boxing trousers and a MASSIVE white shirt of my dads. I looked so rediculous, like an actuall square. I must have looked pretty rough too.

When I got to the venue I saw all my school friends in their waitoring outfits standing by the door. Their faces were priceless. Some looked happy to see me. Some looked absolutly terrified. All of them were supprised that I was there.

I had a crowd of 30 people around me - staring. Neadless to say, I wasnt there to be a waitress, so i tucked into my first meal for days and then, after chatting to a few more people, left for home.

Good going so far, I'd say.

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